Answer the questions to the maximum potential of yours, when you are lobbying. Remember, listening is vital too. Careful listeners can only be in a good position to give the right counters. The answers must be in correlation to the issue, and the reactions to the political agenda. Relevant answers can make the decision maker to think.
Legislator’s responses
Be a good listener always when you are lobbying. When you are listening to what is said to you, and then you can answer better. When the answers are rational and making complete sense then the legislator is sure to appreciate that and take time to respond. Allow the time to the person to respond to what you have said. Let them come up with concrete answers that can bring in fresh amendments. If you are diligent and have given the right counters, then the right answers in your favor are sure to follow. Wait for that but all these can happen only if you are strong in the subject. You must have done your homework well, to meet challenging situations during the entire course of the lobbying.
Going off the tangent
This is one something that often happens when you talk to quite a few elusive politicians and the legislators out there. They try to be diverted from the topic easily. You must note down the gist, and try to bring them back to the original message at the earliest possible. When you are not getting the right answers in time, on the other hand, do not get scared. Request to take time, and come up with plausible answers through email or cover letters soon.
Yes or no
This is some crucial part of the lobbying encounter. You can get many facts when you have done the preparations well. These are simple questions for what the answers can be in one word. Yes or no is enough from the legislator’s side. Explain them about the questionnaire. It could be something like this.
- Can we count on your support to join hands in sponsoring this bill?
- Could we expect your support to sponsor this bill?
- Do you support this bill?
- Are you against the bill?
You can put any many questions as you like in the same manner, to bring out some valuable information. Again, that is not all, though. When you get an answer No, then you have to learn from that answer more and the reasons for the No. when you are getting a favorable yes, make sure that you are converting that positive answer into a winsome support. Again, if the answer is something like undecided, then persuading the legislator to get a positive nod and further yes, is the sole responsibility of the lobbyist. The success of the lobbyist as well as the lobbying phase, is totally reliant on these conversions or transformations that you are able to bring in. when you are a pro lobbyist then you are sure to get the best job done, through your assertive communication skills, and the preparations that you do earlier to support your claim.